NOTE: our regular DROP-IN SEASON starts up again April 21 and runs thru September…the FARMYARD ACTION never ends!
You’ll want to get right in there and try all the things you’d do if you lived out here on the farm. See. Touch. Listen. So much to learn and do. Very hands on! Try some milking! There’s even a ride on the big wagon behind the old tractor included in your admission! Pony Ride tickets for children under 60lb/27kg can be purchased at admissions. Hours and Admission and Farm Safety Rules
Here’s the big picture
Spring! Come and visit the very cutest farm babies in the whole world, little goats! And lambs, and piglets, and chicks, etc! Be prepared to have your heart melted.
Summer! Still some pretty young ‘uns around (we plan for an extended season of adorable babies!). Escape from the city maze and enjoy a taste of livin’ on the farm…. your kids will love you for it.
Fall! Get a few more visits in… animals are wonderful no matter what the time of year! People (that includes children!) who learn to connect with animals make wonderful human beings. Animals give us so much in so many ways.
Some great questions to ask your children:
- Where do chickens lay their eggs?
- How do I get milk out of that udder?
- How warm is the woolly coat on that lamb?
- These cute chicks grow up to be what?
- Can you make a noise like a carrot? It makes the bunnies happy!
- Can you understand now why goats are called ‘kids’?
(they’ve got P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-I-T-Y!) - Are children called ‘kids’ because they act like little goats sometimes?
(or is it the other way around?) - How big is a cow?
- Are there different kinds of cows?
- Do piglets chew shoelaces
- Who lives in the pond? Farmer Lucy’s ducks, some geese, emus…what else?
- OK… Who has seen Henry?
- What does a yak look like?
- Donkeys and mules… are they really stubborn? Or just very intelligent and thoughtful?
- What IS that sound a mule makes? One day we will have a contest to see who can make that same sound!

Check out our Hours and Admission and Farm Safety Rules